Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nolte State Park

(Photo of Deep Lake inside of Nolte State Park)

Earlier this summer, Sean and I had a rare day off together so we decided to head to Nolte State Park to check out Deep Lake. Our friend had been raving about for months and we were not disappointed! Hidden on a back road in Enumclaw/Cumberland, this secluded park offers peaceful relaxation even among crowds of people. 

 (Rachel and Sean were here! Photo by Rob Worl)

Sean and I brought snacks, books, a blanket and my camera (of course!) and settled in for a beautiful, sunny day by the lake. I love to people watch so I was happy to watch the families, kids, and dogs that were playing around and in the lake, while Sean unsuccessfully tried to take a nap (I kept bugging him).

(Part of the picnic area at Nolte, right up the hill from the sandy beach)

Later that afternoon, we discovered the most beautiful walking trail that circles around the lake. It's a 1.5 mile loop that has adjoining trails that lead down to small beaches and fishing areas. The light that day was phenomenal! It took Sean and I ages to walk the trail because we kept stopping to just stare at the light filtering through the canopy. The carpet of pine needles under our feet muffled our steps enough so that it was almost completely silent other than the birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves above.

(Nolte's  beautifully forested trail)

Sean and I returned to Nolte for a church event this past week and were able to speak with one of the Park Rangers named Sebastian. He was incredibly friendly and eager to tell us about the history of Nolte. We found out that the park had been a private resort owned by the Nolte family, complete with cabins around the lake and a floating dance hall! Seriously, how cool is that! In 1972, the Nolte family gifted the land to the state with the express purpose that it be preserved for the rest of time for future generations. We're sure glad that they did!

(Sunlight filtering through the canopy)

Overall, we love this park. It is small and intimate and even when you're surrounded by people, it still feels peaceful. The main trail and side trails were great for discovering little spots on the water and increasingly gorgeous views of Deep Lake. It's an easy walk, perfect for kids or if you're looking for a short jaunt that's chock-full of nature. There is no camping here, but there is a swimming area, picnic area, bathrooms, and a modern playground.

(One of the adjoining trails that leads down to Deep Lake)

Keep your eyes out for wildlife! You never know who you may see if you walk quietly, respectfully, and observantly. We met a little squirrel who chirped at us and held still for a portrait. 

 (Our little squirrel friend)

 Here is the link to the official Nolte State Park page: Complete Information for Nolte (

We hope you visit soon!

-Rachel and Sean

Location of Nolte State Park:


  1. Love that i am finding out new places around the state...and some not so far away! Will have to visit next time I pass that way! I would love to do what you are doing! Great idea!
